Lyme disease is not just spread from a tick. It can spread transplacentally from the mother to the organs of the fetus. Mothers can spread Lyme disease to their unborn baby. Congenital Lyme disease is associated with birth defects, miscarriage, and infant deaths.
In Congenital Lyme disease ...
Willy Burgdorfer discovered the Lyme disease spirochete. He said the Lyme spirochete can infect the organs of the fetus from the mother causing congenital heart disease and even death of the infant.
A Lyme infection was found in tissue where there was no inflammation. That's important because officially you cannot have an infection with no inflammation. These studies show that that is not true.
In the section under "PATHOLOGY STUDIES" Dr. Macdonald describes a case from Lavoie PE. et al.: Culture positive seronegative transplacental Lyme borreliosis Infant Mortality. Arthritis Rheum 3(Suppl):S50, 1987 Where Dr. Macdonald states on page 659 regarding the Lavoie study;
A Lyme infection was found in tissue where there was no inflammation. That's important because officially you cannot have an infection with no inflammation. These studies show that that is not true.
(This entry provides more information on case 1 of a previous study.)
Points to emphasize from this case are:
Those were the good studies. Here is a description of two bad studies.
This one was from CDC-Yale.
The other refers to a study by Williams et al. The experimental design incorporated a logic error called survivorship bias. By only including infants that were born, the researchers were able to completely ignore fetal deaths from Congenital Lyme disease. Multiple studies before this showed fetal deaths from Lyme disease. It is curious that the researchers chose a clearly inadequate experimental design.
Dr. Eugene Shapiro, a Yale pediatrician said this in the Lyme disease Documentary Under Our Skin which came out in 2008.
A Lyme disease guideline author can lie about the existence of a study documented in the Lyme disease guideline itself. Officially transplacental Lyme disease doesn't happen yet there are many proven cases in the peer reviewed medical literature. There are many more cases than are presented here. Every case listed on this page occured years before 2008. The year Under Our Skin was released. Many good doctors who have treated their patients based on good science have lost their medical license due to the lies in the guide. If science ruled the medical industry then lies like his would be impossible. It is power that rules the medical industry not science and it is power that keeps the lies in place.
There are dozens of cases of Congenital Lyme disease described in medical literature. The medical authorities are willfully denying it's validity. Mothers can spread Lyme disease to their unborn baby. It is associated with birth defects, miscarriage, and infant deaths.